Air Modelling Weathering Master vol.2

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Air Modelling Weathering Master vol.2

●This book contains Mr Shuichi Hayashi model building steps with both English and Japanese texts.

Air Model Weathering Master Hayashi Shuichi's World Vol.2

The world of Shuichi Hayashi Vol.2

Author: Shuichi Hayashi
Format: A4 size soft cover
Number of pages: 104 pages
Release date: December 2, 2021
ISBN: 978-4-499-23336-1
Released : Dainippon Painting

Shuichi Hayashi, known as the "Weathering Master", is attracting attention not only in Japan but also around the world for his weathering techniques. In the first volume of the previous book, we mainly featured 1/32 scale, but this time we feature 1/48 scale. We will generously reveal the method used to make 1/48, which is a smaller scale than 1/32, to the same quality as 1/32. The listed models include the latest kits and popular aircraft such as the Tamiya 1/48 F-4B Phantom II, the Israeli army's AH-64 Apache and the Su-27 Flanker. This is a must-read book where you can enjoy Shuichi Hayashi's transcendent 1/48 scale works, which can be said to be a new frontier.

<Table of Contents>
 A bold change in the Profile weathering method. Learn about Shuichi Hayashi's “mitate power” with 1/48 scale works
 McDonnell Douglas F-4B Phantom II (Tamiya 1/48)
010...Finish the high-visibility aircraft with weathering
012...Boeing AH- 64D Apache Longbow “Sarah” (Hasegawa 1/48)
018……Helicopter weathering optimized for 1/48 scale020
……Tools and paintsMain
 tools and materials used for weathering expression024
……Weathering up the HOBBYBOSS's 1/48 scale LTV TA-7C CORSAIR II
 LTV TA-7C Corsair II (Hobby Boss 1/48)
030...Preparation for painting
032...Learning about the "world's worst" dirt mechanics with photos of the actual machine
033... Basic painting (upper part of the fuselage)
034... Adding a touch to express oil leaks
038... Correcting the facial expression with dry brushing
040... Expressing smearing due to oil leaks
042... Adding eye-catching weathering expressions (upper part of the aircraft)
043...Basic painting ~ Representation of touch-up traces over time (lower fuselage)
045...Addition of eye-catching weathering expression (lower fuselage)
054...Weathering up the GREAT WALL HOBBY's 1/48 scale SUKHOI Su-27UB FLANKER C
 Sukhoi Su-27UB Flanker (Russian Air Force specification) (Great Wall Hobby 1/48)
062...Preparation for painting
065...Basic painting
069...Titanium texture expression
074...Manipulating the "time" of paint Painting expression
082...Finish weathering expression
094...Flanker in another spectrum 
 Sukhoi Su-27UB Flanker (Ukraine digital camouflage specification) (Great Wall Hobby 1/48)

By Dainippon Kaiga