USAF CH-53 / MH-53 for the Revell kit

The second sheet in our CH-53 series features markings for thirteen USAF CH-53/HH-53 and MH-53 helicopters. The options on this sheet cover the entirety of the type's service in the US, starting from the Vietnam War era all the way to the last MH-53 Pave Lows. This sheet is designed for the 1/48 scale Revell CH-53 kit - please note that the MH-53 options will require a conversion kit.

The options on this decal sheet are:

  • CH-53C 70-1629, USAF
  • HH-53C 68-10364, USAF
  • CH-53C 68-10923, USAF
  • CH-53C 68-10925, USAF
  • CH-53C 68-10928, USAF
  • HH-53C 68-8284, USAF
  • HH-53C 68-10369, USAF
  • MH-53J 66-14433, USAF
  • MH-53M 73-1625, USAF
  • MH-53M 73-1649, USAF
  • MH-53M 67-14994, USAF
  • MH-53J 66-14432, USAF
  • MH-53M 69-5795, USAF

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