F-102 colors & markings

FAD F/D&S-4817
(€22.51 incl. VAT - EU only)
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SubjectAircrafts Scale1/48 EraPost WWII & Modern AircraftF-102 Aircraft PartDecals, Lettering ManufacturerFurball Aero-Design Manufacturer SKUF/D&S-4817 Discontinued Product No

Colors and Markings of USAF F-102As Delta Dagger.

460th FIS, F-102A 57-0907, Portland IAP, 1962. (Squadron CO jet with black and yellow command stripes and large tiger squadron logo on the tail)

4th FIS, F-102A 56-0960, Misawa AB, Japan, 1961. (Squadron CO jet with red and black command stripes, red and black checker tail markings, “Red Tailed Rascal” on the tail

40th FIS, F-102A 55-3392, YOKOTA AB, Japan, 1962 (large devil insignia on tail with “Road Runner II Beep Beep” titling on the right side of the nose

431st FIS, F-102A 56-1006, Zaragoza AB, Spain, 1962. (Squadron CO jet with red and white command stripes)

32nd FIS, F-102A 56-1032, Soesterberg AB, The Netherlands, 1966. (Squadron CO jet with red, white, and blue command stripes and William Tell gunnery meet markings

525th FIS, F-102A 56-1130, Bitburg AB, Germany, 1961. Blue & white tail flashes with Bull Dog squadron insignia

317th FIS, F-102A 56-1272, Elmendorf AFB, 1963. High visibility scheme with orange wings and tail. Special William Tell markings on the nose.

509th FIS, F-102A 56-1436, Republic of Vietnam, 1969. South East Asia paint scheme with black and yellow squadron CO command stripes.

This set includes a large stencil insert sheet with enough decals to build 2 complete models.

By Furball Aero-Design

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