F-15 Eagle Camouflage paint masks set
Suggested kit: F-15A/B/C/D/J/DJ/EX Eagle kits in 48th scale
Re-usable die-cut paint masks
The set includes two sheets of pre-cut masks (shown in the picture). The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. It is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.
Boeing F-15 Eagle
is an American twin engine, air superiority jet fighter developed by McDonnell Douglas in the early 1970s. The Eagle is famous for its invincibility in air-to-air combat, with 104 kills and zero losses throughout its half of a century long career. Developed as a pure air-to-air combat plane, in the mid-1980s, the Eagle was transformed into a strike platform. That variant was very successful as well. However, Eagle’s fame comes mostly from Israeli Air Force victories in the Middle East. There, Israelis using F-15A/B/C/D managed to nearly obliterate enemy air forces, somehow keeping all their F-15s intact. In the late 2020s, F-15EX was developed, called Eagle II, this time made by Boeing. F-15EX model is a successor to both F-15C and F-15E, with two-seat configuration, improved capabilities and new engines combining the air-to-air & air-to-ground capabilities of both older variants into one newly re-imagined jet fighter.
F-15 Eagle Camouflage
is a low-visibility paint scheme, with variations of light and dark grey colors, sometimes grey/blue-ish for the darker spots. This camouflage can be seen on F-15A/B/C/D/J/DJ Eagles, serving with USAF, J.A.S.D.F., Saudi Arabian and Israeli Air Force. Variations of the grey tones are noticeable, depending on the specific operator. Even though initially F-15A were flown with single-tone light gray scheme, that quickly gave way to more effective camouflage available in this mask set. Similar camo scheme can be seen applied on F-22A Raptor, inherited from the mighty Eagle. This two-tone grey camo is also applied on the brand new F-15EX delivered to the USAF and is expected to serve for decades to come.
By DN Models