In our new "The Early Years" series, we will cover prototype and early production aircraft for many important US fighter/bombers. The first sheet in this series is dedicated to the first few years of the F-15 Eagle. Eight marking cover Eagle prototypes, FSD (full-scale development) and early service aircraft.
The options on this decal sheet are:
F-15A 71-0280 first F-15 flight
F-15A 71-0283
F-15A 71-0285
F-15A 72-0119 "Streak Eagle" record breaker
F-15A 71-0284
F-15A 73-0103, 58th TFTW
F-15B 73-0111, 58th TFTW
F-15B 73-0112, 58th TFTW
Accurate stencilling and national insignia to build any one of the options is included. This sheet was professionally screen printed by Cartograf in Italy.
Many of the options on this sheet will require some modifications to the kit. The recommended kits are Hasegawa kits in 1/48 scale.
By Caracal Models