Products for the same recommended kit / aircraft and more:

P-51D Mustangs - Part 1
BRS BC48011
14.63 14.63
(€17.41 incl. VAT - EU only)
P-51B Yoxford Boys #5
BLE BMA48030
21.73 21.73
(€25.86 incl. VAT - EU only)
P-51D armament & gunsight detail set
AMM AM-48-139
9.29 9.29
(€11.06 incl. VAT - EU only)
P-51 Mustang Hexagonal tread wheels
BRS BR48051
8.98 8.98
(€10.69 incl. VAT - EU only)
P-51 Meyer's Maulers PT II
FAD 48-095
19.69 19.69
(€23.43 incl. VAT - EU only)
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