F-16C Barak Israeli Air Force camouflage paint masks set
Re-usable die-cut paint masks
Stars of David are included in this set
The set includes two sheets of pre-cut masks (shown in the picture). The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. It is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.
Israeli F-16
deliveries started with the A variant, called Netz (Hawk). Immediately, the plane began its formidable, although tough career in IAF, scoring numerous victories just right off the start. F-16As were used in Operation Opera, as well as gaining additional fame in Iron Eagle I and II movies. Israel combined the superb flying capabilities of the F-16 with its technological potential to create a true multi-role jet, making history in the air war. Not surprisingly, later on, Israel added F-16C, D and later on I /Sufa/ variants to its arsenal. In total Israel received 362 F-16 of various modifications, some /like the F-16I Sufa/ specifically tailored for the Israeli needs. To this date, Israel holds 47 aerial victories scored with F-16.
F-16C Barak
is the second single-seat variant to be introduced to Israel Air Force. With its upgraded capabilities, it still serves to this date, alongside many other types of aircraft. The first deliveries of the Barak /Lightning/ variant took place in late 1980s. Barak feature extension of the base of the vertical stabilizer compared to F-16A Netz, designed to hold brake parachute. In Israel however, the chute was never utilized. The desert camouflage applied on the F-16C is similar to those applied on F-16As and F-16Is, but feature some differences. First actual combat of the F-16C in IAF was in 1988. Israelis use it both as air-to-air and air-to-ground platform. Stars of David are included in this set.
By DN Models