F-16D Fighting Falcon “MiG Killer” Heritage camo paint masks set
Suggested kit: F-16D kits in 48th scale
Re-usable die-cut paint masks
The set includes one sheet of pre-cut masks (shown in the picture). The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. It is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.
Fighting Falcon is a double-seater variant of the famous Lockheed fighter jet. Interestingly enough, it was the dual-seater that scored the very first USAF kill in that type, all together with the first AIM-120 AMRAAM missile kill ever recorded. That happened on December 27th, 1992 over Iraq. USAF Lt. Col. Gary “Nordo” North, callsign “Benji 41” was flying on a routine OSW /Operation Southern Watch/ mission. Earlier that day, MiG-25 from the Iraqi air force was spotted violating the no-fly zone at high speed. Initially, it was chased by USAF F-15, but the latter eventually ran out of fuel. Foxbat escaped to safety. Later that same day though, similar violation happened. This time, with clever tactics, F-16s, full on gas managed to trap the MiG-25 in a no-escape position, where Benji 41 fired AIM-120 and scored the first air-to-air kill in USAF F-16.
F-16D Viper
used in that flight was 90-0778. It was painted in the standard light/dark gray camouflage. 30 years later, corrosion control team from Luke AFB in Arizona made a heritage two-tone desert camouflage, using more than 13 gallons of paint and 1500 man hours. The camouflage is based on test paint scheme, evaluated before Desert Storm, although never used in actual combat. The paint scheme of 90-0778 was unveiled in June 2022, honoring Gary North and the first F-16 score in USAF. It is called “MiG Killer”. The mask set features part of the insignia /seen on the cover/, that consist of the USAF Stars, “MiG Killer” and its stars on the vertical fin and LF + the serial number on the stabilizer. Other smaller letters/details should be applied as decals and are not included in this DN Models’ mask set.
By DN Models