Japanese Navy Aircraft Painting

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Japanese Navy Aircraft Painting: What Color is It There? Zero Fighter Backyard

Product Details
Co-authors: Miyazaki Kenji and Nakamura Taizo
Format: AB softcover
Number of pages: 112
Release date: January 7, 2022
ISBN: 978-4-499-23337-8
Published by: Dai Nippon Kaiga

Japanese Navy aircraft are extremely popular among reciprocating airplane models, but some people may wonder, "I painted it according to the instructions, but is the real thing like this?" To solve such problems, this book uses actual aircraft parts to explain what the details were colored, with the theme of the Zero Fighter, a representative aircraft. With the guidance of the two authors, who are so familiar with the paint colors and details of the Zero
Fighter at that time that they have received offers for restoration research from museums not only in Japan but also overseas, we will approach the real image.
For comparison, the Raiden and the G4M are also included!

Table of Contents
2Prologue: Something feels lacking just by following the instructions (Manga by Mutsuka Fumihiko)...3Before
digging into the details, a review of basic painting (Manga by Mutsuka Fumihiko)...
7Basic painting of the Imperial Japanese Navy Zero A6M carrier-based fighter...11

Chapter 1: Around the nose...19
Chapter 2: The cockpit and its surroundings...37
Chapter 3: The wings and its surroundings...51
Chapter 4: The rear of the fuselage...69
Chapter 5: The Raiden Model 21...79
Chapter 6: The G4M land-based attack aircraft...93Column

Nameplates of various parts that were not shown in this book...36
・I know the paint colors of the actual aircraft, but how do I paint a model?...50
・Paint over the conspicuous white borders! About post-factory touch-ups...68
・The type classification that was added later: what can be seen from the aircraft nameplate...78
・Is it similar to the Zero fighter after all? The evolution of the Raiden's basic painting...92

By Dainippon Kaiga