Air Self-Defense Force Aggressor Archives 03 2011-2021 Edition
This book is a sequel to AGGRESSOR ARCHIVES 01 and 02. This time, we will cover the identification paints that appeared from 2011 to 2021. Introducing the latest aggressors in every detail with abundant high-definition photos and color illustrations. We also devoted a page to an explanation column for drop tanks and a color chart for identification paint. Many night scenes and powerful aerial photos illuminated in the dark are also posted!
Since most of the photographs were taken with digital cameras, we were able to prepare many clear and powerful images, including aerial photographs and night shots taken with the cooperation of the teaching team. Of course, we have also posted many large-sized photos stretched to fill the page, so they can be used not only for identification painting but also as reference for detailed markings and weathering on the aircraft.
Covers the identification painting from 2011 to 2021!
● Full-color painting diagram of the Flight Guidance Corps F-15
Aggressor seen in digital high-definition photos
● Flight Guidance Corps F-15 photo collection
Get a deeper understanding of the Aggressor's identification painting!
●Commentary and columns/interviews: Overview of identification painting work
・List of identification painting colors (2011-2021)
・600 gallon tank with identification painting
・Changes in details of F-15J/DJ aircraft 2
● "Aerial Photography" Scenery seen through the canopy 2
A4 size, 176 full color pages
By ModelArt