Ju 88 part 2 - KG 1 "Hindenburg", KG 3 "Blitz", KG 26 "Löwengeschwader", KG 30 "Adlergeschwader"
Markings for 15 Ju 88s of the following associations:
1. Ju 88 A-5 V4 + AD of the staff III./KG1 “Hindenburg”,
2. Ju 88 A-4 V4 + HU of the 10th / KG 1
3. Ju 88 A-5 5K + GN of the 5th / KG 3 “Blitz”
4. Ju 88 A-4 5K + AA des Geschwaderstab KG 3
5. Ju 88 A-4 5K + BP “Margot” of the 6th / KG 3
6th Ju 88 A-4 5K + KK of the 2 ./KG 3
7. Ju 88 A-4 5K + WT of the 9./KG 3
8. Ju 88 A-5 4D + AB of the staff I./KG 30 “Adlergeschwader”
9. Ju 88 A-4 4D + CH 1./KG30
10. Ju 88 A-5 4D + MN 5./KG 30
11. Ju 88 A-1 4D + CH 1./KG 30
12. Ju 88 A-1 4D + DC of staff II ./KG 30
13. Ju 88 A-4 / Torp. 1T + BS of the staff III./KG 26 “Löwengeschwader”
14. Ju 88 A-14 1H + KT of the 9./KG 26
15. Ju 88 A-17 1H + VH of the 1./KG 26
By AirDOC Decals