Me-262 B-1a/U1

The study of late war camouflage schemes of the Me 262 B nightfighter mirrors the confusion of the late war. Available references provide all kinds of variations in schemes for the same aircraft. More than ever, modelers should consult their own references to draw conclusions. Notes created by Ronald Belling of “Red 8”, W.Nr, 110305, before its re-paint, remain the best source for color information about the jets of NJG 11.

  • Me 262 B-1a/U1                 “Red 8”                    W.Nr. 110305                   10./NJG 11
  • Me 262 B-1a/U1                 “Red 10”                 W.Nr. 110635                       10./NJG 11
  • Me 262 B-1a/U1            “Ole Fruit Cake”          W.Nr. 110306                Watson’s Whizzers

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