QF-4E conversion sets ( lots 0 to 9) for the Meng kit

Full set to convert Meng’s late F-4E

To assess the production lot of the QF-4 you want to build, if you don’t have reliable pictures check out this AMARC reference page ! Roughly speaking, lots 0 to 9 have the large hump on the spine (forward of the vertical stabilizer), lots 10 and above have the thin hump

Both sets are sized for the Meng Phantom and contain:
_Vertical stabilizer upper part and disc
_Self-destruct box near the port side intake
_Self-destruct activation panel aft of the self-destruct box
_Forward port side Sparrow well fairing (aka “the bump”)
_Supports for the wing ends and lower fuselage antennae
_Aft starboard side reinforcement panel near the exhausts
_Spine antenna (Early set only, the AN-101 antenna is already in the Meng kit for late QF-4Es)

The Early set is suitable for QF-4E lots 0 to 9


Products for the same recommended kit / aircraft and more:

21.95 21.95
(€26.12 incl. VAT - EU only)
42.87 50.44
(€51.02 incl. VAT - EU only)
22.92 28.65
(€27.27 incl. VAT - EU only)
43.83 51.56
(€52.16 incl. VAT - EU only)
42.87 50.44
(€51.02 incl. VAT - EU only)
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