Wings Of Defense

WINGS OF DEFENSE Satoshi Akatsuka, Air Self-Defense Force aircraft aerial photograph collection

Photographer/Author: Satoshi Akatsuka
Format: A4 hardcover
Number of pages: 240 pages
Release date: November 9, 2022
ISBN: 978-4-499-23362-0 Released by: Mr. Satoshi Akatsuka of
Dainippon Painting Photographer

A rare person who turned from a fighter pilot to an aerial photographer. He retired after flying a combat mission with an F-15 fighter jet at the Air Self-Defense Force Hyakuri Air Base. He began taking pictures of ASDF aircraft, using his professional-level photography skills since high school. He quickly rose to prominence as a unique photographer who understands the thoughts of those who fly, and is now renowned as one of Japan's best aerial photographers. In 2022, I will celebrate my 30th anniversary as a photographer, and during that time I will be photographing F-15J, F-2, F-4EJ, F-1, as well as transport aircraft such as C-1, C-2, C-130, and UH- In addition to rescue helicopters such as the 60J, we cover 27 types of aircraft, from active aircraft to retired aircraft, including Blue Impulse, aerial refueling aircraft, AWACS, and government aircraft. This book is Mr. Akatsuka's first solo luxury photo book, carefully selected from Mr. Akatsuka's vast library over the years, and delivered using the highest quality paper and printing technology.

Table of Contents :
[Current Aircraft]
F-15J/DJ Fighter
F-2A/B Fighter
Blue Impulse
T-7 Trainer
T-4 Trainer
T-400 Trainer
E-2C Early Warning and Control Aircraft
E-767 Early Warning and control aircraft
C-1 Transport aircraft
C-130H Transport aircraft
C-2 Transport aircraft
KC-767 Aerial refueling/transport aircraft
U-4 Multipurpose support aircraft
U-125 Flight inspection aircraft
U-125A Search and rescue aircraft
UH-60J Rescue helicopter
CH-47J Transport Helicopter

[Retired Aircraft]
F-4EJ Fighter
RF-4E/EJ Reconnaissance Aircraft
F-1 Fighter
T-1A/B Trainer
T-2 Trainer
T-3 Trainer
MU-2A Rescue and Search Aircraft
V-107A Rescue helicopter
YS-11 Transport aircraft
B-747 Special transport aircraft

By Dainippon Kaiga

(€65.52 incl. VAT - EU only)
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Este artigo será enviado em 14/07/2024

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